This privacy statement applies to all services and activities performed by and on behalf of Dutch Trading Group B.V. are carried out.

In the privacy statement below you will find the general information about the way Dutch Trading Group B.V. handling all personal data. You will also find the rights you have in this as a person involved.

Dutch Trading Group B.V. processes personal data of its clients and its clients during its service. Dutch Trading Group B.V. realizes that the protection of personal data of clients and relationships is of great importance. We are therefore committed to protecting the confidentiality of all personal data.

The controller

Dutch Trading Group B.V. is a private company with limited liability. The registration number at the Chamber of Commerce is 70519692. Dutch Trading Group B.V. is located at Rijksweg 26, 6247AH in Gronsveld. We receive personal data from both clients and business relations, which is why we are controller in the sense of the General Data Protection Regulation (DPR). If you have questions about the processing of personal data within Dutch Trading Group B.V. You can turn to Raymond Frijns, who will apply as the person in charge of the function of privacy officer in the sense of the DPR.

What data does Dutch Trading Group B.V. process?

We process the data of our clients, which means that we have name, address, place of residence, VAT/COC number and bank account number.

We need the name, address and contact details of clients in order to have contact with our clients and to establish their identity.

Personnel administration

At Dutch Trading Group B.V. are employees. For all these employees, personnel administration is maintained for the purpose of their employment. With regard to trainees, an internship contract is concluded and stored digitally. Only the employees of the financial administration as well as the CEO have access to the relevant personnel file.

We also often receive application letters from applicants. In that framework we process name, address, place of residence, telephone number and all matters that we encounter in a Curriculum Vitae. The data will not be retained for more than six months after the application.

Dutch Trading Group B.V. realizes that it has to deal with received personal data extremely prudent and will in that respect always comply with the obligations arising from the DPR.


Dutch Trading Group B.V. performs a large part of her work from her protected digital environment. Processing agreements have been concluded with the relevant suppliers, in which those suppliers also comply with the obligations arising from the GDPR.

Legal storage periods

Dutch Trading Group B.V. stores its data in accordance with the legal storage periods. Dutch Trading Group B.V. will retain personal data for no longer than the purpose for which they are processed, which may vary from case to case for the persons whose personal data we process.

Your rights as a data subject in the sense of the DPR.

You, as the data subject, have the right to inspect the data that we process. We must be able to identify you when submitting such a request on the basis of a valid proof of identity. We will normally provide access to the personal data processed by you, reason why we have done this, also provide access to who these data have been provided in the context of the service, and for what duration these personal data will be stored. Only if our legal confidentiality obstructs the provision of data, we will not provide them or only to the extent permitted by law.

If we have incorrectly processed data, you are entitled to rectification and can submit a request for this.

Your rights as a data subject in the sense of the DPR.

You, as the data subject, have the right to inspect the data that we process. We must be able to identify you when submitting such a request on the basis of a valid proof of identity. We will normally provide access to the personal data processed by you, reason why we have done this, also provide access to who these data have been provided in the context of the service, and for what duration these personal data will be stored. Only if our legal confidentiality obstructs the provision of data, we will not provide them or only to the extent permitted by law.

If we have incorrectly processed data, you are entitled to rectification and can submit a request for this.

You can also request removal if the person whose personal data we have processed. There are a number of cases where we have to comply with such a request, namely:

if the personal data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were obtained there is no more permission from the person concerned to process his personal data and Dutch Trading Group B.V. therefore no more permission to process it there is unlawfully processed data an objection is made to processing the data and, weighing all interests, Dutch Trading Group B.V. that objection is well-founded if there is a legal obligation that Dutch Trading Group B.V. required to delete this data. If necessary, you can also request that the data processing be limited, temporarily or otherwise.

Transfer the data

In connection with the execution of the agreement, it is possible that we must provide your personal data to parties in our assignment to carry out work. We also use external server space for the storage of (parts of) our sales and purchasing administration, which includes your personal data. Your personal data is therefore provided to our server room provider.


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In case of further questions, please contact the privacy officer of our office, Mr Raymond Frijns.

This privacy statement was entered into on 25 May 2018. Dutch Trading Group B.V. reserves the right to change this privacy statement. If it is a major change, Dutch Trading Group B.V. to inform you about it.